Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This is a Movie NEAR and DEAR to our hearts.

I don’t know about you, but today I heard and read that they are trying to make this, NATIONAL SIBLINGS DAY,  as acknowledged as Mothers/fathers day, and I think it’s a Swell Idea. 

Naturally, If you’re an only Child, You don’t Have BLOOD Siblings, however, I believe, YOU make your own... Whether they be cousins, child hood Neighbors, or elementary - to - high  school – to - Adult chums...

Having Siblings is the best thing out there.
 To Me, mine are extensions of what make me the person that I am.

To this day, I talk to AT LEAST one of them EVERY day. Doesn't matter how close or far apart you are in age or distance.... 
They are made up of the same “cocktail” that makes YOU up...

So, Not only today, but EVERYDAY, I’d like to send out some EXTRA special LOVE to my GORGEOUS siblings....
Michael, Vannesa, Andrew, and Victoria Villarreal

They are the PERFECT mix of crazy, Talkative, Jovial, caring, and OUTSTANDING. When we were younger, we lost one of our own, Andrew, and not a day goes by that he is not fluttering around each one of us, making sure we strive for GREAT and happy in this life. I know in my heart of hearts, he sent down Vicky for us as a constant reminder that we only have this one life, so, there is GREAT joy that needs to be made. ANYTIME I need them and they need me, We are there, for each other. We are as strong of a unit as they come, and No matter what, I wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING. 

Support, Love, Happy, and Honesty. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Original GEEE WHIZ Art Coloring Book Contest!

Win one of my Original Hand Drawn Coloring books! Contest going on now!
CONTEST! To win a free Gee Whiz Designs Coloring book,

Join My Blog:

join me on twitter:

and add and share my GEE WHIZ page

Comment below, and let me know why YOU kick ass and what you'd like to see more of from GEE WHIZ :)

I'm SO Excited to see your responses. I'll announce a winner later on this week~


GEE WHIZ NERDS in Love. ( in Coloring Book)

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